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Group photo of women, children and one man.

Our Impact

In the 3 years (2021 -2024) we have run our Inclusive Work Program we have supported 68 women with complex barriers to employment, with impactful and life-changing outcomes.


80% of our graduates are within safe sustainable employment 6 months after completing our 9-week program. The remaining graduates we continue to support as they build their capacity. Our program is successful because we see past people’s barriers and believe a ‘future with my name on it' is totally achievable for all.

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Inclusive Work Program.

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Our Vision


Everyone should have the opportunity to shine their light on the world. At the GOGO Foundation, we believe that if we can create safe, loving, enriching and brave spaces of belonging for people to grow, to be whole and to thrive, then we are doing our bit to create a safer, inclusive and more humane world for all.

Our Mission


Our mission is to foster equity in society by using our skills, networks, partnerships, financial mechanisms, voice, advocacy, programs, events and intuition to challenge, dismantle, prevent  and remove disadvantage and marginalisation to bring about equity, inclusion, agency and full community participation for all people, but in particular women and non-binary people.

GOGO Foundation IWP Networking Event

Our Inclusive Work Program

Learn more about our life-changing 9-week program. 

"The opportunity to come together as a group and the regularity this involved. Whilst our ‘issues’ may have been different, there were the common threads of marginalisation & detachment from the paid workplace that allowed us to share openly and build strong levels of trust & rapport between us."

IWP Participant, Pilot April 2021

Make a Donation

Support from our community is vital in creating a safer and more inclusive world for us all, but particularly for the women in our Inclusive Work Program.

Make a donation to GOGO Foundation today - every bit counts.

Our Values

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Deep Listening

We listen carefully to our community, partners, participants and our intuition.

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We aim to bring the margin to the centre in all we do.

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We value transparency, giving and receiving, and shared outcomes driven by impact.

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Strengths based

We work with what our community has in abundance.

Proudly creating impact with

Beyond Bank
Westpac Foundation - logo
Go Go Events logo
Social Traders Certification Logo
Carbon Neutral Adelaide
certified B Corp badge

With gratitude to our probono partners

Minter Ellison
DMAW Lawyers
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